
DbUp is a .NET library that helps you to deploy changes to SQL Server databases. It tracks which SQL scripts have been run already, and runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database up to date.

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DbUp NuGet NuGet
DbUp-SqlServer NuGet NuGet
DbUp-MySql NuGet NuGet
DbUp-SQLite NuGet NuGet
DbUp-SQLite-Mono NuGet NuGet
DbUp-SqlCe NuGet NuGet
DbUp-PostgreSQL NuGet NuGet
DbUp-Firebird NuGet NuGet
DbUp-Oracle NuGet NuGet


DbUp has a new documentation site at http://dbup.readthedocs.org.


DbUp is open source, licensed under the MIT license. The source code is on GitHub. We also have a discussion group on Google Groups if you have any questions, and you can report bugs (ideally with a pull request attached!) to the issues page.

DbUp began life as the database migration tool inside FunnelWeb, an open source ASP.NET MVC blog engine. Despite its humble origins, growing up, DbUp always thought it could aspire to something bigger. Now it is out in the world on its own, making its own way in life, the little script runner that could.

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